Uluru Facts For Kids | Historical landmark Of Australia

Uluru is a small hill in Australia and is usually referred to as Monadnock. It is also known as inselberg which means ‘island mountain’. An inselberg is the name of a hill that sticks out suddenly above the land. Located in Central Australia, Uluru is a huge formation of rock. It is made up of fine-grained minerals called sandstone. It is certainly one of the most famous historical landmarks of Australia. Now let’s take a brief look at some other Uluru facts for kids.

A Quick Guide To Uluru Facts For Kids

Common Name: Uluru

Other Name: Ayers Rock

Official Name: Uluru / Ayers Rock

Place: Central Australia

Type: Rock formation

Name of Discoverer: William Christie Gosse

Date of Discovery: July 19, 1873

Height above sea level: 863 meters

Height of the rock: 348 meters

Basic Uluru Facts For Kids


  1. The word ‘Uluru’ was given by local Australian people named Pitjantjatjara.
  2. It is also called Ayers Rock.
  3. The word ‘Ayers Rock’ was named after ‘Sir Henry Ayers’. He was the Chief Secretary of the region.
  4. Both names are now officially used. On 6th November, 2002, it was renamed as ‘Uluru / Ayers Rock’.
  5. Uluru is also called Monolith.

An Australian traveler named William Christie Gosse came here and spotted this rock for the very first time on July 19, 1873. He called it ‘Ayers Rock’.

Physical Features

  1. The height of this rock is about 348 meters.
  2. From sea level, Uluru lies at a height of about 863 meters.Uluru - Uluru Facts For Kids
  3. There is another magnificent rock formation located at just 25 kilometers away in the west from Uluru and is known as Kata Tjuta. It is also known as Mount Olga. Both of these are very important cultural heritage of Australia.
  4. Uluru changes its color more often during daylight and twilight.
  5. It is mainly made up of fine-grained rock called Arkose. Arkose is a sedimentary rock and contains more than 25 percent of feldspar.
  6. About 50 percent of the rock is made up of feldspar and 35 percent is made up of Quartz.
  7. The diameter of the small grains that make up Uluru is just about 3 to 4 millimeters.
  8. The shape of the grains is angular.
  9. The original color of the rock was grey but as it came into contact with the air over a period of time, the color of its outer surface changed into reddish-brown.


  1. During ancient times, it is believed that about 46 different species of Australian mammals lived in the region where Uluru is present. However, these are reduced to just 21 in the present day.
  2. The most vulnerable Australian species living in Uluru region is Mulgara.
  3. There are 7 species of bats living around Uluru.


  1. According to archaeologists, humans came here and settled themselves at 10,000 years before.
  2. In 1872, the Europeans were the first people who spotted Uluru and Mount Olga (Kata Tjuta).
  3. The region of Uluru was seen by the visitors for the very first time in the year 1936. Until that time, no tourist came here.
  4. There is an ancient community of local people that lives close to Uluru. They are known as Mutitjulu and have a population of only 300 people.

More Uluru Facts For Kids

  1. It is located at a distance of about 335 kilometers away from Alice Springs. Alice Springs is the third biggest town of Australian northern territory.
  2. The people who have been living here through ancient times are known as Aṉangu.
  3. Most tourists like to go up on Uluru hill. However since the hill is fairly steep, almost 35 visitors have now been dead while climbing it.
  4. Aṉangu people never go up on Uluru. It is because Uluru is a holy place for them.

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