Taj Mahal Facts for Kids | Rare Facts about Taj Mahal

Now this is where I would share my personal experiences together with the amazing facts about this “crown of palaces”, a white marble beauty and one of the seven wonders in the world. So kids here we are with the assimilated Taj mahal facts for kids about the biography and eternal beauty of this Indian monument which is the embodiment of the love of an emperor for his wife.

Taj Mahal Facts For Kids

Impact on the map…

Needless to remind that it is a renowned UNESCO world heritage site since the year 1983.

In July 2007, it made an important mark of its popularity over the globe as it was chosen among the Seven Wonders of the World.

One of the universally admired masterpieces it speaks highly about Muslim architecture under imperial supervision of Shah Jahan and today is recognized as “The jewel of Muslim art in India”.

It won’t be an exaggeration if we call it the most beautiful and costly tomb on the planet.

Biography of a monument – The Taj Mahal

This is a famous mausoleum situated in Agra, India stands on the southern bank of Yamuna.

It celebrates Indian culture and spreads the message of love in this world.

The Mughal emperor Shah Jahan ordered the building of this magnificent mausoleum at the bank of river Yamuna after the tragic death of his third wife Mumtaz Mahal following the birth of their 14th child.

Around 1632, the construction began and continued for the next two decades.

If a frightful story is to believe the emperor Shah Jahan, had his flatterers cut off their hands of architects and his workers after the structure was completed, making sure that no another monument of this kind could ever be built again.

Few stunning Taj Mahal facts for Kids

Beside the stunning beauty of the tomb, its garden is also another man made marvel which uses raised pathways which divide it in four quarters or flower beds.

At the centre of the lush green garden there stands a massive white marble water tank halfway between the tomb and the gateway with a pool of crystal clear water reflecting the most beautiful example of human architecture.

The decor of the white marble beauty has been accomplished with precious white stones which add to the royalty of the palatial tomb.

A speculation speaks that most probably the mind behind such an intricate design was Ustad Ahmed Lahouri, an Indian of Persian descent who also hold credits for the making of the Red Fort.

More than 20,000 labourers were employed in the project belonging to Perssia, Ottoman Empire, India, and Europe along with some 1000 elephants.

Though the spectacular beauty of the place creates a magical imprint in viewers mind but still the centre of focus remains to be the tomb.

There are 99 names of god in calligraphic inscriptions found on the sides of the tomb of Mumtaz Mahal .

As an exterior spangle, passages from the Quran are used in complex throughout.

Taj Mahal Under the full moon

It is needless to praise its beauty a thousand times. But the panoramic view of Taj Mahal showering under moonlight on a full moon could make anyone fall in love with the symbol of love itself.

Not to forget that its mesmerizing beauty is not only limited to full moon night but its horizon is much wider than that. You can catch a glimpse of this earthly unparallel beauty daily during sunset and sunrise which could be most cherished moment for any painter or photographer striving to trap the mystic picture.

Tourism and Taj Mahal

This Indian monument have a huge fan following and so is among the prime centre of attraction for tourists.

As earlier we mentioned that it spots a remarkable place in the world heritage site’s list and is a prominent revenue fetcher in tourism industry.

The Taj Mahal attracts 7 to 8 million visitors annually with more than 0.8million from foreign land.

Taj Mahal An incomplete dream

We all know that it’s a timeless saga but little did we know about the concept of Shah Jahan which as fate had its way is not completed till date.

Though for us t is an uphill task even to imagine building of another Taj Mahal but it was on plans for Shah Jahan.

The emperor, who often fulfilled the wishes of his beloved, somehow could not fulfil his own wish of making a black Taj Mahal in front of the white marble beauty to express his grief and mourning for his wife Queen Mumtaz Mahal even after his death.

The Black Taj Mahal was intended to build just opposite to the original one with only use of black marble.

Shah Jahan was put under house arrest by his own son and heir by muscle power, Aurangzeb. The latter obviously did not agree with his father on most issues and was particularly not willing to him building a black Taj as his own mausoleum.

In the last days of Shah Jahan , when he was arrested by his own son Aurangzeb it is believed that he used to see Taj all day with the help of a diamond making an angle from his bed. Well! may be there are many more hidden emotions behind the structure which we could never know but the serenity of his love for his beloved queen still continues to be a matter of pride for the Indians.

Threats to Taj Mahal

As my personal experience says no cellulosic prints or painting could catch the real pure love story of the emperor behind building this wonder on earth.

So this has to be a sophisticated one and is adversely damaged due to acid rain which is a resultant of rising pollution level near the region.

It’s a sad part of the story that the shine of Taj is being diminished because of the high sulphur dioxide content in air.

Another shocking fact prevails that many visitors who come to see a glimpse of this world famous monument take away a part or a small piece of marble as a memento of the trip which seems to be lame and would damage the Taj in the long run severely.


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