Solar Energy Facts for Kids | Renewable Energy Facts

The primary source of solar energy is the sun. For time immemorial, we have used solar energy for heating, cooking food, removing salt from seawater and drying clothes. When the sun shines on our planet earth, it provides light and heat, and this is what is referred to as the solar energy. Solar energy makes plants to grow and provides food to eat and oxygen to breathe. While it is such a wonderful source of energy, it is also expensive to tap the solar energy using the solar panels to bring electricity in our homes. Let’s move on to read the most exciting solar energy facts for kids

Solar Energy Facts For Kids

Solar energy for electricity

Did you know that solar energy is used to generate electricity? Bet you know about this. As technology has improved, solar power costs have decreased and it has become a more viable alternative, competing with energy sources such as coal and oil. Though the solar energy is becoming more efficient in terms of providing energy, it cannot satisfy the energy needs for the entire population in the world; it only supplies a fraction of the total energy we use. The advantage of using this heat from the sun or solar energy or in other words known us solar thermal is, it helps us heat our houses, heat water for showers, swimming pool and greenhouses and other buildings. It reduces the cost of energy bills to heat homes. Energy bills can be very expensive, so using the heat of the sun and relying less on energy companies can be a plus for us and help save money for other fun activities.

Solar power

Solar panels are panels placed outside on the roof or on a pole or on the ground to collect the sun’s light and turns it into electricity. Solar energy is converted into solar power by use of things like solar cells (also known as photovoltaic cells) or solar panels which convert light energy into electricity which is then used to run our electrical appliances in our homes such as electric iron boxes for ironing; electric kettle for boiling water; power to light up our houses; power to enable us watch cartoons and other interesting programs on television; power to run our refrigerators which in turn keep our food fresh and iced; power to run all the electric appliances in our homes. Solar panels can be very small like the ones used in calculators or very large like the ones in power plants that provide electricity for an entire town. The advantage of solar panels is that, it helps reduce the amount of coal the electricity company burns. When companies burn coal, hazardous gases go into the environment.

Reliability of solar energy

When it comes to reliability, it becomes a bit tricky on those days when the weather conditions don’t allow the sun’s heat to be available. These are days when the sun shines less and less and light from the sun is not adequate to provide the needed energy. This is why we need back up from solar panel batteries or from the electricity from energy companies.

Do we save by using solar energy really?

We do save in the long run but initially, when we are installing solar panels, we use a lot of money on buying the panels and the backup batteries. So calculate the cost and get it right on whether you are saving or you are better off using energy from the power companies.

The largest solar power

Am sure you will be amazed at the fact that, the largest solar power plant is found in the Mojave Desert in the USA. They have a combined capacity of 364 mega watts making them the largest solar power installation in the world.

Now that you know everything there is to know about solar energy, show off your new found knowledge with friends and family.

Passive Solar Energy

Solar energy which is used to warm buildings and houses without employing any technical equipment or any sort of technology is called Passive Solar Energy.

Solar Energy is 99% Cheaper than it Used to be!

Solar energy is believed to be lot cheaper than it used to be precisely due to the technological development over the recent years. However, the worst part of it is that many people still do not realize the fact. According to a survey, the solar energy cost $77/Watt in 1977 whereas today it only costs 75¢/Watt. Many industries still insist on reducing the costs and it is expected to be 35¢/Watt in the following year.1

Which Country is the Solar Leader?

Germany is a world solar leader despite the fact that it receives much less sunlight as compared to the South Carolina. This happens because of the strong governmental measures on a massive scale.

Is Solar a Threat to Power Companies?

Indeed it is! Power companies usually earn through building power stations and installing lines. However, their business is likely to go down with the rapid shifts in priority towards the solar energy; besides, the solar power has enabled its customers to generate electricity on their own. As a result, the electric utility industry faces a potential threat from the disruptive (and alternative) forces like solar energy, the stakeholders must immediately begin to address the challenges in order to minimize the likely perils.2

California | Hub of Solar Installations

California is deemed to be the hub of solar installations as it offers a potentially viable and highly advanced Solar Voltaic Installations.3



2) Disruptive Challenges: Financial Implications and Strategic Responses to a Retail Electric Business



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