Rosa Parks Facts For Kids | Top 11 Facts

Let’s find out some of the hidden Rosa Parks facts for kids. With her simple ‘NO’ to give in her seat, Rosa sets off the civil rights movement which every black American had been craving for. Her father is a carpenter while her mother is a school teacher. Following her birth in Tuskegee, the family shifts to Pine Level in Alabama and then again move toward Montgomery for getting access to high school as she turns to 11 years. However, she is made to quit her studies on account of nursing her grandmother (who is in poor health) when she is just 16 years old. In 1932 she stumbles upon Raymond Parks, a learned barber and gets hitched soon after their first date.

She has always been looking forward to register her vote and so she decides to take the test. It was a grueling task for African Americans to vote because registration premises were far-off from their homes (they do not have conveyance), often they were intimidated that they would lose their employment and also they were to give a poll tax. Though she is familiar with all the answers in the registration test, still she is made to fail in 1943 as no card shows up. The same happens a year after but finally she gets the right to vote in 1945 with giving answers to all 24 questions. To end with, Rosa turns down to give in her seat in 1955 as the white man shows up and thus Rosa Parks facts for kids are really exciting to know. Now let’s go through interesting guide to Rosa Parks facts for kids.

Top 11 Interesting Rosa Parks Facts For Kids

Rosa loves playing games with Sylvester (her brother) like hide-and-seek inside the beautiful palm trees.

Rosa goes to a schoolhouse that has one room in it and is only reserved for ‘Black’ children.

Rosa has had a soft spot for the then President Franklin D. Roosevelt but she is particularly interested in his spouse First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt (who was a great advocate of equal rights for all citizens).

The grandfather of Rosa (Sylvester Edwards) was one of the slaves that were set free in Alabama on account of the 13th Amendment in the US constitution.

There are few people that identify Rosa as the ‘Mother of Civil Rights Movement’.

When she was born, her name was Rosa McCauley.

Since her grandmother is ailing so she has to quit her school at the age of 16.

In her initial years, she had tonsillitis and Rosa was confined to bed every so often due to painful throat and illness.

Following the death of her grandmother, the health of her own mother begins to go down. So Rosa again decides to set the education aside and start working as a housekeeper as well as start selling some berries to make both ends meet.

As Rosa turns to 32 years, she decides to vote and so she gives $16.50 as a poll tax (tax for casting a vote only in case of black Americans) which is equal to her one week’s income.

Rosa is badly off and since she cannot manage to pay for the tuition fees of Montgomery Industrial School in 1924, so she decides to clean two school rooms every day so in order to meet her expenses.

A Quick Guide To Rosa Parks Facts For Kids

Name: Rosa Louise Parks

Date and Place of Birth: Born on February 14, 1913 in Tuskegee (Alabama)

Father’s Name: James McCauley (Carpenter)

Mother’s Name: Leona McCauley (Schoolteacher)

Names of Siblings: Sylvester McCauley

Husband’s Name: Raymond Parks (Barber)

Names of Children: No children

Refuses to surrender her seat for the white: December 01, 1955

Date and Place of Death: October 24, 2005 in Michigan, USA

Date of her Husband’s Death: August 19, 1977


20 responses to “Rosa Parks Facts For Kids | Top 11 Facts”

  1. autumn mobley Avatar
    autumn mobley

    its so stupid how Rosa Parks got in jail just becuz shw wouldnt give up her seat!!!

  2. autumn mobley Avatar
    autumn mobley

    i totally agree with u lol (:

    1. brytiana jenkins Avatar
      brytiana jenkins

      i agree too

  3. fat fat Avatar

    it was the law back then so get over it

  4. giddel salazar Avatar
    giddel salazar

    she went to jail just because she stood up for herself?…..thats dumb

  5. that is so stupid

  6. lol i like niall horan

  7. i know right the laws back then was so bad luckly dr.king help those law

  8. Jaalah larry Avatar
    Jaalah larry

    I hate that but y’all right

  9. White tiger Avatar
    White tiger

    I like rosa parks

    1. Rosalyn Avatar

      ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL

  10. kiran shazadi Avatar
    kiran shazadi

    but still we are thankful for what she have done for us

  11. cecilia Avatar

    I think she is good person and all the people that don’t like her look for more research if u still don’t like her get a life


  13. I liked Rosa Parks so muck, I did a report about her. R.I.P Rosa

    1. I think Rosa was a great person .

  14. i like rosa parks

  15. Jojo Trost Avatar
    Jojo Trost

    It’s stupid that she went, to jail

  16. its not stupid so stop it you guys im serious you guys need to stop this now

    all of you guys because if you was like that you would not be laughing right now that is reall sad to me how she died becaus she was a pretty and senceitfe lady

  17. when was her actual birthday

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