Category: Countries

  • Mexico Facts For Kids | Country Of Spanish People

    Mexico Facts For Kids | Country Of Spanish People

    Before moving ahead to find some of the interesting Mexico facts for kids, it’s better to have a look at brief introduction of this country. As far as economy of this country is concerned, Mexico is certainly one of the biggest economic giants of the world and is therefore recognized as the chief power to…

  • Italy Facts For Kids | Land Of Young Cattle

    Italy Facts For Kids | Land Of Young Cattle

    Italy has rich cultural history of Greeks and breathtaking buildings of romans so Italy facts for kids are intriguing to know in detail. The most ancient city of Italy, Rome, was once the central hub of both cultural as well as spiritual wellbeing of Western society. However the country had undergone numerous incursions from outsiders…

  • India Facts For Kids | Land Of The Hindus

    India Facts For Kids | Land Of The Hindus

    A South Asian country with an overwhelming number of different ethnic groups, India certainly holds an important position in the world’s map. India is a vast country with diverse kinds of traditions and extremely rich civilization which makes it further unique. So India facts for kids are not only for children but are equally appealing…

  • Brazil Facts For Kids | Land of the Holy Cross

    Brazil Facts For Kids | Land of the Holy Cross

    A country with magnificent blend of different races, Brazil facts for kids are definitely worth reading. It has rich cultural traditions and above all, there are many Portuguese-speaking living in this country. Brazil is home to 44 national parks that have become the hallmark of this country. In ancient times, the country was once a…

  • China Facts For Kids | A Historic Country

    China Facts For Kids | A Historic Country

    China is approaching to become the next superpower within the next 10 to 20 years as the country is progressing by leaps and bounds. With the massive size of 9.6 million square kilometers, China embraces some of the astounding landscapes, rivers and deserts of the world. The population of China is continually going up and…

  • Australia Facts For Kids | The Land of Kangaroos

    Australia Facts For Kids | The Land of Kangaroos

    With a staggering blend of architectural designs and breathtaking landscapes in Australia, Australia facts for kids are really something that everybody is eyeing at. Australia is actually the continent wherein major portion is lukewarm and parched but there are plenty of rainforests as well. As far as naturally gifted places of Australia are concerned, Great…