Venus Facts For Kids | Venus Atmosphere, Mass, Volume, and Other Features

Venus has long been admired for its exquisite grace and beauty in a bright moonless night. One of the most brilliant, glowing, and exquisite-color planet Venus seems like a twin planet to the Earth. Its mass is almost equal to that of our planet and both are alike in their sizes. Astronomers hold that Venus is so much bright that it often casts its shadow and its brightness ranges from -3.8 to -4.6 magnitudes. However, it always comes after Sun and the Moon when it comes to brightness. Are you now ready for the most exciting Venus facts for kids?

The light of Venus can be observed in a dark moonless night. Scientists believe that the atmosphere in Venus is fairly hostile and it’s 93 times heavier than that of Earth’s atmosphere. The planet Venus is also known to rotate slightly backwards which is not practised by other planets. Unlike other planets including Earth, Venus has no moons. The planet seems like a bright star in a sky but through telescope the image becomes clearer and parted from other stars. Venus lacks magnetic field probably due to its slow rotation. There isn’t any satellite either. Besides, no small craters have been observed in Venus.

Venus Facts for Kids

  • The mass of a planet Venus calculates around 4.8685 × 1024 kg
  • The volume of this planet is 92.843 × 1010 km3
  • The equatorial radius of Venus is 6051.8 km
  • The polar radius is calculated at 6051.8 km
  • Venus has a volumetric mean radius of 6051.8 km
  • The average density of Venus is 5243 kg/m3
  • The surface gravity of this planet is 8.87 m/s2
  • Venus has a surface acceleration measured at 8.87 m/s2
  • The escape velocity of Venus is 10.36 km/s
  • The visual magnitude of Venus is minus 4.40
  • The black-body temperature of Venus is 184.2 K
  • There are no rings in Venus

Orbital Parameters | Venus Facts For Kids

  • The number of days in a Synodic periodic is 583.92 in Venus
  • The mean orbital velocity is 35.02 km/s
  • The maximum orbital velocity is 35.26 km/s
  • The minimum orbital velocity is 34.79 km/s
  • The orbit inclination is 3.39 degrees
  • The orbit eccentricity in Venus is 0.0067
  • The length of a single day is 2802 hours
  • There are 224.695 days in a tropical orbit period

Venus Observational Parameters | Venus Facts For Kids

  • Venus came to be known in the prehistoric times and the discoverer is unknown
  • The minimum distance of Venus from the planet Earth is 38,000,000 km
  • The maximum distance of Venus from the planet Earth is 261,000,000 km
  • The maximum apparent diameter of the Venus from Earth is 66.0 seconds of arc
  • The minimum apparent diameter of the Venus from Earth is 9.7 seconds of arc
  • Venus has a maximum visual magnitude of minus 4.6

 Venus Atmosphere | Venus Facts For Kids

  • The surface pressure at this planet is 92 bars
  • The surface density in Venus is calculated at 65 kg/m3
  • The scale height is calculated as 15.9 km
  • The total mass of a Venus atmosphere is 4.8 × 1020
  • The speed of wind ranges from 0.3 to 1.0 m/s
  • The average temperature at this planet is 737 K (464 C)
  • The average molecular weight is calculated at 43.45 g/mole


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