New York Facts For Kids | Interesting Facts

People often misunderstand as to the fact that New York State and City are the same; time and again they will think of New York City. New York State has many cities amongst which the New York City is the most populous and probably the largest city in the United States. And if you would like more time to explore them – feel free to look for an essay writing service online to outsource your academic workload to.

New York Facts For Kids

New York State

In New York State, three languages are commonly spoken with English (72%) predominant followed by Spanish (14%) and other languages comprises 14%.

The inhabitants of New York State are known as New Yorker.

Of all the ten cities, New York City is the largest city with the population of over 18 million.

The total land area of the state covers 56,556 square miles (141,300 km2).

The largest Metropolitan area of the United States is also in New York State.

Glenn Falls is the smallest metropolitan area of the state.

The total population of the State as of 2013 is 19,651,127.

New York State is ranked as the third most populous county in the world.

Mount Marcy is the highest point of the state.

Atlantic Ocean is the lowest Point.

The State is home to 22 national parks.

Statue of Liberty is not only amongst the Seven Wonders of the World but it is also the symbol of United States for democracy, freedom, and opportunity.

Utica is the smallest city with the population of only 62,239.

It has the world’s largest stock market; New York Stock Market.

(New York City)

Busiest Subway System

New York City has the longest subway system all throughout the United States. It runs 656 miles and is one of the most widespread transportation systems in the world. The subway has 468 stations in operations. Besides, the subway is also regarded as one of the oldest transit systems.


New York is situated in the northeastern United States and it is bordered by New Jersey, Vermont, and Pennsylvania.

Natural Resources

Natural resources in the New York City include mine, gravel, gypsum, sand, emery, fertile soil, limestone and slate.

First Settlers

Amongst Europeans, Dutch were the first ones to settle in New York and they named their new home New Netherlands.


People often call it ‘The Empire State’. The city has the most famous skyscraper Empire Building. People can view the entire New York City and Atlantic Ocean from this building.

(Fast Facts)

First Capital

New York City was the first capital of United States.

Largest Central Business

Midtown Manhattan is the largest central business in the United States.

World Trade Centers

The two World Trade Centers which were hit by the aircrafts on September 11, 2001 were also in New York City.

Flower Rose

Capital Albany

Animal Beaver

Insect Ladybird

Bird Bluebird

Area 47,224 square miles

Population 8,405,837

Tree Sugar Maple

Learn more: New York Facts For Kids


4 responses to “New York Facts For Kids | Interesting Facts”

  1. nice information.. Very helpful

  2. gdhggd Avatar

    thanks for the great information

  3. i don`t see the information is very helpful for me.. 🙁

  4. The statue of liberty is not one of the wonders of the world. It was a finalist in 2007, but didn’t actually make the list.

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