Interesting Facts About Childhood Bilingualism

If there is one thing a parent can do to help their children develop superpowers is to shape their brains at an early age. As it is scientifically proven, the best way to do this and help your child get easier trough life is by teaching them 2 or more languages from early infancy. As it is scientifically proven, children that grow in bilingual families have better cognitive abilities and great skill-developing predispositions then children raised in monolingual one.  

Being a monolingual family is not an obstacle in raising bilingual or multilingual children, especially in today’s digital era. Several hacks that parents use to raise a bilingual child are hiring a nanny that speaks a foreign language, or presenting a child’s favorite activities in a foreign language, like cartoons, videos, games and books. However, language is all about communication and many parents have come to the conclusion that in order to raise a bilingual child they can learn the language themselves and teach their children along the way. 

For parents that love to raise their children on their own, rather than in public institutions, or using assistance from nannies, there is a great solution on how to succeed in raising a bilingual child. Taking into consideration online platforms for language learning such as Live Lingua a parent can choose to start language courses and teach their children through communication and interaction. Even though learning a second language is an easy task for your child, it does require at least some extent active participation from the parents.

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Bilingualism Affects the Child’s Brain Development 

Children that are taught two languages from birth have the ability to distinguish phonetic sounds and even adopt great pronunciation skills in both languages as a native. Moreover, learning two or more languages greatly affects the cognitive abilities of a person. Bilingual children have brains trained from infancy to grasp information faster and think outside the box.

As scientific evidence shows, bilingual children have greater neural activity and denser brain grey matter in the areas of the brain related to memory and attention, meaning they have great learning and verbal abilities. Moreover, this leads to the next fact.

Bilingual Children Perform Better Academically

It’s known for a fact that students who speak or learn two or more languages are performing better academically. This is related to the fact that their brains are developed differently and they have polished cognitive skills. However, as it is coming naturally to them to learn and grasp info easily and fast, they are more curious and become fast learners.

Bilingual children are also more open and curious about foreign cultures and people, which makes them curious learners. Moreover, mastering two or several languages prepares their brain to later easily solve logic problems and grasp math tasks. Multi-tasking is another great ability that helps bilinguals achieve good grades and perform well in school. 

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Bilingual Children Have Better Social Skills 

When a bilingual child hits the school-age it already is aware of the fact that it speaks two different languages. This is often associated with the idea that they understand the world is a diverse place with many differences between people and places. Nonetheless, bilingual children make great friends and have super social skills. 

What is even more important benefit of this fact, bilingual children have fewer chances of becoming bullies or get bullied in the school environment. 

Bilingualism Increases a Child Self-Confidence 

A group of scientists from the University of Windsor found that children who speak more than one language have higher levels of self-esteem compared to monolinguals. Moreover, developing a chid self-confidence is very important for their social and academic life. A child’s self-confidence greatly affects its life path and if bilingualism can help in improving it supporting them to learn a second language is crucial for their future.  

Bilingualism Opens Up Better Opportunities in Life

We live in a boardless world, immensely connected virtually and physically. Moreover, global integration is increasing each day and speaking more languages can open great opportunities for a child. Billingual child can participate in student exchange programs and other projects involving traveling and meeting people from all over the world, thus bringing more advantages when it comes to social, academic and job opportunities in the future. 

Bilingual Children Become Well-rounded Adults

Starting life as a bilingual is an advantage that will unwrap in the years to come. It enables children to expand their horizons, socially, culturally and geographically. And last but not least, it promises a great start for becoming a successful individual that can contribute to a better society.  


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