Hurricane Facts For Kids

  • The name of the word ‘Hurricane’ is derived from the Mayan god’s name called Huracan that was presumed to be in charge of cyclones.
  • The most lethal natural calamity of America occurred in September 1900 when a huge wave measuring twenty feet rushed forward in Galveston (Texas) and swallowing up nearly eight thousand people.
  • The most terrible hurricane in the history of the world happened in 1899 in Australian Bathurst Bay with a massive hurricane of forty two feet high struck the area.
  • Back in 2005 August, the Katrina Hurricane of America struck the Gulf shores and flooded almost 75% of the New Orleans.
  • In each year, there are about 100 storms that occur along the African west shoreline and out of which merely 10% passes through Atlantic and then to the shorelines of North America and Caribbean to form as hurricane.
  • Out of the top 10 most awful hurricanes in the world, 8 of them happened along the Bay of Bengal.
  • There are special people who go after the cyclones with the help of their unusually designed cars and apparatus.
  • During the last three hundred years, there has been a gigantic hurricane surging directly into the Jupiter planet and you know how big it is? Well, its magnitude is equal to our planet, Earth. Whoa!
  • It has been noted that the rate of recurrence of hurricanes has increased two times as it was before the last century. The scientists say that this is perhaps due to global warming.

Hurricane Facts For Kids

Each year hurricanes emerge from the heat of the tropics in order the make sure they remain one of the most devastating forces and a topic behind every conversation. They usually begin as harmless clouds but in no time end up in violent storms and massive winds together with torrential rains. No force on earth can stand before these packs of violent winds as they claim more lives than any other seasonal cyclones do. Here I’m bringing some of the most significant hurricane facts for kids.

Deadliest Hurricane Ever!

The deadliest hurricane ever recorded is the one slammed into Galveston back in 1900. The disaster claimed around 8,000 lives and was a category 4 hurricane. In the 20th century 158 hurricanes hit the United States, most of which occurred in Florida.

Top 6 Deadliest Hurricanes in US History

Galveston, Texas, 1900

  • The hurricane claimed 6,000 to 12,000 lives.
  • The speed of the wind was estimated to be 135 mph (220 km/h)
  • The height of the tides measured at 15-feet (4.5-meters)
  • These tides swept over the Barrier Island.
  • The damage was widespread probably because the residents of Galveston were not forewarned by the meteorological department.

Florida, 1928, Okeechobee Hurricane

The hurricane claimed 2,500 lives.

The locals thought that the storm had passed; they returned to their homes believing such rumors. A gigantic wave of 20-feet (6 meters) depth came soon after their arrival and claimed hundreds of lives.

Katrina, New Orleans, 2005

(Hurricane facts for kids)

  • The beginning of the 21st century was not in any better for the residents of Katrina for they lost their loved ones in the widespread destruction of hurricanes.
  • The hurricane claimed 1,836 lives which may not be great in numbers but it was the costliest natural calamity ever hit the U.S. The damage was estimated at $81 billion.
  • The winds blew at a speed of 175 mph (280 km/h).


The Long Island Express, New York and New England, 1938

The hurricane claimed 700 lives.

Florida, 1935

  • The hurricane named was the Great Labor Day Storm.
  • The disaster claimed 400 – 600 lives.
  • The height of the hurricane was 18 – 20 feet and it wiped out all the tracks coming in its way.

Texas and Louisiana, 1957

  • The hurricane was called Hurricane Audrey.
  • The hurricane took 416 people with it and it began in the Gulf Coast.
  • It struck the southern coast with the speed of 145 mph (235 km/h).

Top 10 Costliest Hurricanes hit the U.S.

  1. Katrina
  2. Wilma
  3. Charley
  4. Hugo
  5. Rita
  6. Agnes
  7. Allison
  8. New England
  9. Frances
  10. Betsy

List of Names of Atlantic Hurricanes  

  • Arthur
  • Bertha
  • Dolly
  • Lili
  • Fay
  • Omar
  • Teddy
  • Nana
  • Sally
  • Vicky


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