Category: History

  • Statue Of Liberty Facts For Kids

    Statue Of Liberty Facts For Kids

    Let’s see some of the interesting statue of liberty facts for kids. Also known as Lady Liberty, this grand structure was built to remember the American Independence Day and the symbol of friendship between France and USA. France sent its troops to help America achieve its independence and thus they wanted to applaud this victory…

  • Battle Of Gettysburg Facts | A Turning Point In Civil War

    Battle Of Gettysburg Facts | A Turning Point In Civil War

    You know why Battle of Gettysburg facts are very important to know and why this battle holds great magnitude in the American history? Well, because it is perhaps the decisive moment in the American Civil War. Major General George Maede leads the Army of Potomac while General Robert Lee leads the Army of North Virginia…

  • The Holocaust Facts For Kids | What Really Happened?

    The Holocaust Facts For Kids | What Really Happened?

    One of the tear-jerking events in the history of human race is the Holocaust facts that often make us unhappy when we dream up Jews of Europe during the Second World War. Adolf Hitler steers Nazis to massacre almost two-third of the European Jews. What’s more, it includes millions of innocent women and children as…

  • World War 2 For Kids | The Bloodiest War In The History

    World War 2 For Kids | The Bloodiest War In The History

    The facts about World War 2 for kids are worth reading primarily because it’s been the most catastrophic war in the history as it consumed millions of people from all over the world. The war embraces some of the big powers of the world that leads into the formation of two conflicting armed unions that…