Ireland Facts For Kids | Land of St. Patrick

The Island situated to the north-west of continental Europe. Yes, we are talking about Ireland, the 3rd largest island of Europe and the 20th on the globe. The Great Britain is located on its east separated by the Irish Sea.

Ireland Facts For Kids

The Irish Culture

It won’t be wrong to say that Irish culture had a phenomenal influence over others especially in the field of literature, education and science. It is the homeland of some famous scientist which includes Robert Boyle who formulated Boyle’s law and George Boole is known as the father of computer science as he invented Boolean Algebra.

Central Ireland consists of a fertile plain, punctuated by lakes, peat bogs and undulating hills which add to its scenic beauty. The Shannon is the longest river in the British Isles apart from this there are many navigable rivers extending to inland. Its west coast is marked by deep inlets and bays.

Its geographical proximity with Great Britain resulted in many culturally shared features with it including English language and sports played here like football, rugby and horse racing to name a few.

The warm water of the Gulf Stream accounts for Ireland’s mild, damp and temperate climate. Ocean winds not only avoid extreme temperature but also bring plenty of rain, especially along the west coast. Ireland’s most important natural resources are its fertile farmland and peat, used for fuel and gardening. There are oil reserves to the west coast too.

Coming into farming and industry we must admit its among most progressive in the world. Ireland possesses one of the fastest growing industries in Europe. Traditional industries such as hand – cutting peat competes alongside a rapidly expanding high-tech sector. 25% of all exports accounts for electronic goods.

History of Ireland – Ireland Facts for Kids

This multi party democratic country has witnessed several ups and downs aver past.

Celtic culture, around 600 B.C Celtic people from central Europe settled Ireland. Clectic craft and design especially in the metal work have influenced the Irish art ever since.

This prehistoric glacial territory’s medieval history is quite dominated by the struggle with their neighboring country – England. The English invaded Ireland in 1171 and by 17TH century they had complete control over the area. However due to religious conflicts between the Roman Catholic Irish and protestant English there was a long lasting tension.

Battle of the Boyne: In 1690, protestant William of Orange took the throne of Catholic James II of England after defeating him in a battle. Protestants still celebrate this victory with a march on 12TH July as Orangemen’s day.

A great famine of 1845 was an incident of complete turmoil in Irish history. The potato crop which was the staple crop of the time for peasants failed due to blight. Over next 4 years over 1 million people died of starvation.

The most violent day in history of Ireland ever was the Bloody Sunday. On 30TH January 1972 civil march winded slowly in the city centre of western suburbs demanding equal rights for the province’s catholic minority. Unfortunately the march ended with a tragedy as 14 Protestants died as soon as the English soldiers opened fire.

Last but the not the least the sole religion of Christianity was introduced by a missionary who landed in 432 and by 631 the whole country was converted to Christianity. For the next 300 years Ireland enjoyed the golden period of the arts and scholarship, which was cantered on monasteries.

Best places to visit in Ireland

The capital city Dublin is itself a landmark to visit. This site is a center of commerce, social activity and cultural heritage. Christchurch Cathedral is one of Dublin’s finest tourist heritage spot alongside Trinity College, Dublin’s Castle and the Custom House.

Hundreds of beautiful lakes and peat bogs are typical of wild scenery of Connemara in western Ireland. The spectacular peaks of The Twelve Ben mountain range are a lure of visitors to the country.

Boyne Valley is another attraction as it features some of the important monuments and historic sites. It is also privileged to be assigned as a world heritage site. Some of its tombs are even older than the Pyramids of Egypt and the Stonehenge in England.

To say a little about Ireland without mention of The Burren is no less than an injustice to the marvellous limestone Karsts plates, one of the most naturally beautiful with diverse floras on the island.

People of Ireland

Ninety five percent of the population of Ireland is Irish and ninety three percent are Roman Catholics. The church plays a pivotal role in society, although the younger Irish frequently question its strict policies on birth control, divorce and abortion.

This place proudly exhibits an outstanding adult literacy rate of 99% and 77 years of remarkable life expectancy.

Food in Ireland

Till date potatoes continue to play significant role in Irish cuisine and are often served in different varieties like potato scones, champ and colcannon.

Soda bread is another fodder for watering taste buds made of baking soda in place of yeast. Whole wheat flour and buttermilk is considered as national dish of Ireland. Breads have been an important composition of Irish culture.

Meat and sea food is famous as Irish meal. Most common are lamb, beef and pork. Sea food is also considered as an important nutrient due to its proximity with seas. Some fine examples are salmon, lobster and mussels. Galway is home of annual oyster festival.

What is so special about Ireland?

The island is famous for its rich and magnificent culture. The place is famous for its cheese and butter along with horses and Pharaohs.

The country is quite famous for its scenic beauty and churches as well. It is also famous for its legends and storytellers. Its lush vegetation and hypnotizing mountains make it altogether a paradise for travellers. Ireland is well known for its breweries which include Harp lager, Guinness and Smithwicks.

It’s a place you would love to land again and again if you are a traveller at heart. Love these Ireland facts for kids, how about sharing it with your friends and family.


One response to “Ireland Facts For Kids | Land of St. Patrick”

  1. Kaya Macdowell Avatar
    Kaya Macdowell

    No help at all

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