Hurricane Katrina Facts For Kids | The Costliest US Disaster

Hurricane Katrina is basically a tropical cyclone that occurs mostly within a period of 6 months starting from June and ends on the last day of November. Thus, fall and summer seasons are the most likely seasons for hurricanes. It originates over North Atlantic Ocean. Such kinds of tropical cyclones are numbered according to the intensity of each cyclone. The speed of winds may vary from 39 mph to more than 74 mph. It is important for children to know more about disasters. Unfortunately, sometimes parents don’t have much time to explain many things to their child. So, the best way to save time for parents and children is to buy personal statements and learn together. Now let’s have a look at some other hurricane Katrina facts for kids. Now let’s have a look at some other hurricane Katrina facts for kids.

Hurricane Katrina Facts For Kids

Number of Deaths: 1,833

Starting date of Formation: August 23, 2005

Ending Date of Hurricane: September 3, 2005

Highest speed of winds: 175 mph

Total Cost of Damage: $108 billion


  1. When hurricanes begin over North Atlantic, the time period during which such hurricanes occur are called Atlantic hurricane season. The 2005 Atlantic hurricane season has been the most active season in the history.
  2. There were 7 main hurricanes occurred in 2005 Atlantic hurricane season. Of all these, Hurricane Katrina is by far the deadliest cyclone.
  3. The destruction cost of Hurricane Katrina was 108 billion US dollars, which is by far the costliest disaster in the US history.
  4. Hurricane Katrina stands at the 7th position as the most intense hurricane of the North Atlantic Ocean.
  5. After Okeechobee hurricane in 1928, Hurricane Katrina has been the second-most deadliest tropical cyclone in American history.
  6. When this hurricane came in 2005, it was the strongest tropical cyclone in Gulf of Mexico.



  1. The tropical cyclone started on August 23, 2005 over the island country called The Bahamas.
  2. According to the Saffir–Simpson hurricane wind scale (SSHWS), all the tropical cyclones are classified into 5 categories depending upon the speed of winds. Category 1 hurricane has minimum 74 mph speed while category 5 hurricane has a speed of more than 156 mph.
  3. Hurricane Katrina was a Category 5 hurricane.
  4. On August 24, the storm was so severe that it took the name ‘Katrina’.
  5. It became Category 3 storm on August 27.
  6. Katrina turned into a Category 5 storm on August 28. The speed of sustained winds at this category had reached more than 175 mph.
  7. When Hurricane Katrina reached at Category 3, the speed of sustained winds was just about 125 mph around Louisiana.
  8. Within just 9 hours after it began, the cyclone became a Category 5 hurricane.

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  1. On August 27, the state of emergency was announced by George W. Bush in Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana.
  2. The number of people who died in Hurricane Katrina was from Mississippi and Louisiana. The number of deaths in Louisiana was 1,577 and 238 people died in Mississippi. These are the confirmed deaths.
  3. In Louisiana, there were 135 persons who are still missing due to Hurricane Katrina.
  4. Due to the devastating effects of Katrina, almost 3 million persons were left high and dry and had no power in their homes.


  1. When it entered in South Florida on August 25, it was a Category 1 storm. The speed of winds was 80 mph.
  2. The cost of damage caused by Hurricane Katrina in Florida was just about 2 billion US dollars.
  3. Almost 1 million people in Florida were living without power.
  4. In Florida, the number of confirmed deaths was 14.

Learn now: Florida Facts

More Hurricane Katrina Facts For Kids

    • Katrina had caused great damage to the bridges as well. The I-10 Twin Span Bridge was also one of them.
    • In Louisiana, just about 900,000 persons were living without power because of Hurricane Katrina.
    • In Mississippi, almost 67 persons were lost.
    • In Mississippi, Hurricane Katrina gave rise to 11 tornadoes.
  • Did you really find these facts helpful? Is it what you’re looking for? Please comment and help us improving this article. Thanks for reading it.


6 responses to “Hurricane Katrina Facts For Kids | The Costliest US Disaster”

  1. give some more information im 10 and i am looking for more interesting facts about hurricane katrina

    1. madison Avatar

      Daisy they did there best

  2. yes we need more information

  3. very bad

  4. […] Facts about Hurricane Katrina – This is a great website to show students.  It can be used for a follow up project about Hurricane Katrina. […]

  5. what was the atorosfera in the hurricane

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