Brain Facts For Kids | Top 15 Mind-Blowing Facts about Human Brain

The brain is probably the most important organ of the human body. At some levels, it can be compared to a very powerful computer. It stores vital information and controls all our movements and reactions. As it turns out, brain is the center of nervous system consequently all the tiniest thoughts and biggest decisions rely on it. However, some areas of the brain and their functionality are not completely studied as this organ becomes more and more complex each day thanks to evolution. I am sure that there are amassing things that you don’t know yet about your brain, so if you want to learn the most interesting Brain Facts for Kids, stick to end.

Brain Facts For Kids

Human brain has long been admired as well as misinterpreted throughout the several courses of history. Many philosophers or thinkers came up with their discoveries about brain; some were correct while others proved to be false centuries later. ‘The brain is the commander of speech and movement,’ said Galen, a famed anatomist. In this article we’re going to discuss the size, significance, functions, purpose, and many other amazing facts about human brain.

The three-pound fatty tissue may seem trivial when we compare it to the human body, it is nevertheless the central part of the body and scientists regard it as the most complex living structure in the entire universe. Each new day scientists come up with new discoveries or inventions by using this spongy tissue. These human advancements force us to believe that human brain is much more than a mere supercomputer or a telephone switchboard. Every single function of the human body relies on brain for movements, memory, emotion, and even learning. It is our brain that figures our imaginations, feelings, thought processes, hopes, and dreams. In a nutshell, it is the brain which makes human a human.

How does it look and feel?

If you have never seen a brain, you probably wonder how it looks and feels. Its colour is pale pink and it has a jelly-like texture, as it is made from 75% water.

Does size matter?

Human brain weighs around 3 pounds (1.3 – 1.4 kg). It is the largest brain when we compare it with other mammals’ brain. Although you might think that brains of elephants and whales are much larger, it’s true they are. But in relation to the body size, human brain is the largest one. However, size has nothing to do with the intellectual capability.

How many nerve cells does a brain?

The exact number of brain cells in a human brain has not been established yet, although it is known there are about 100 billion. Another interesting fact is that babies lose about 50% of their neurons at birth.  Before they are born, unused neurons are eliminated.

Does the brain suffer from disease?

Yes, there are illnesses that limit the brain’s capability to function properly. Such diseases are Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s or multiple sclerosis.


According to an estimate, the average number of thoughts held by a normal person is 70,000 every day. Even the tiniest thought forms a connection in our brains.

2Do we really use 10% of our brain?

This is a myth that has no real grounds whatsoever. We use the full capacity of our brain each day. For example, let’s say that you are eating chips while reading this article. You are using almost all your brain capacity. While you read, the frontal lobes are working because they are responsible for thinking. The parietal lobes of your brain are in charge of taste and smell and they are also active. Finally, the temporal lobes assist you hearing, while the occipital lobes help you process the writing on this site. So there you have it! Your entire brain is 100% working for such a simple activity as this.

Brain in love

Is the brain responsible for our feelings of love or hate? Scientist believes it is. The brain secrets ocytocin, a hormone which is also called the “love hormone”. This hormone is secreted when a mother nurses her children or when two people are hugging or holding hands and encourages bonding between human beings, trust and affection.

 How good our short term memory is?

The short term memory or working memory of a normal human is not very good. This brain lets us hold on to the idea just long enough to process it. It has been scientifically proved that our working memory can only hold 7 digits.

When does the brain stop growing?

The brain stops growing at the age of 18 years.

When our brain functions?

Oddly enough, the entire brain begins to function while are asleep and not when we are awake.

Can our brain feel pain?

No, it can’t. When we have a headache, it’s our muscles and nerves who hurt, not our brain.

How much energy does the brain have?

Our brains have 12-23 watts of energy, which would be enough to power a light bulb.

How Many Disorders of Brain Exist Today?

Scientists claim that there are 1,000 disorders of brain and nervous system which are incomparable to any other disease group. No other human organ exhibits as many disorders as the human brain. In America, every year brings $460 billion worth neurological disorders leaving 50 million Americans on hold.

Brain Plasticity

Thanks to our brain which allow us to cope with changing environments by modifying neural connections accordingly. Scientists go into the root cause of the molecular process which they call it as the ‘brain plasticity’. These discoveries led many scientists to believe new approaches to the treatment of chronic pain.

Sensation and Perception | Brain Facts for Kids  

Vision is the foremost function the human brain performs. Unlike for any other sense, about one-fourth of the human brain is engaged in visual processing. Our eyes capture the image upside down and it’s our brain that makes it

Smallest Brain

The smallest brain ever recorded in the history measured around 2.41 pounds. That brain was in the woman who died in 1977.


One response to “Brain Facts For Kids | Top 15 Mind-Blowing Facts about Human Brain”

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